Possess Her Mind Before Possessing Her Body
If you want to possess her body, possess her mind first. Since, a woman offers her body only to that man who possesses her mind…
I have seen numerous times that when a man approaches a woman, he unconsciously, and indirectly, communicates through his actions that he only wants to wrap her legs around his waist. This type of approach signs the death warrants of his success, and the woman rejects him brutally.
It’s quite common. In fact, I’ve made this mistake too, in the early stages of my life. I didn’t know that, in order to possess her body, I need to possess her mind first. However, luckily, I’m an avid reader, I learned this lesson soon.
How to Possess Her Mind, Bill?
Possessing her mind is easy; all you need to do is to inject yourself in her imagination. The more you would stay in her imagination, the more she would stay in your control and eventually offers her body to you, happily.
There are several ways to stay in her imagination. For instance: “Confuse her with the opposite aspects of your personality.” If you have an innocent face, and if you have a soft nature, tell and show her that you know how to play with guns. The combination of wild and soft aspect of your personality would possess her mind utterly and compel her to know more about you in detail. In a way, you would become the constant object of her thoughts.
If you’ve a harsh face, and if you’re very bold by nature, then confuse her with your poetic nature, or show your interest in literature, as women love that man who is a little poetic by nature… The more you would confuse her, the sooner you would have her.
I’ve a friend, who looks very harsh by face, he has two scars on his neck too, and women usually consider that he’s a cruel man by nature. However, he’s successful with women. In fact, more successful than me, I agree. He makes women trill with delight when he talks to them. He talks to them in a sweet-sounding language, gives them the outstanding compliments, and talks about poetry and literature too… I often tease him and say that he’s a complete politician.
According to Albert Einstein, “Imagination is everything. It’s the preview of life’s coming attractions.” He has, probably, said these words in some other way, but I feel that we can apply his words in the arena of attraction too.
So, confuse her with the opposite aspects of your personality, since it injects you in her imagination and allows you to possess her mind utterly. Once you possess her mind, she offers her body, she opens the floodgates of love, affection, and sex for you…