As the digital world is evolving, video streaming is one of those visualized abstracts that has become a daily need. There are video-on-demand streamers in this world who compete with one another. A tech-giant RAKUTEN is planning to expand its video-streaming services up to 42 countries and tends to challenge Netflix by promising the content renters high-definition movie streaming at home. Well, cinema at home is the goal-oriented dimension of Rakuten. Moreover, head over to for more information.
This Japanese-based product is hurting the likes of US-based product Netflix. Rakuten TV’s movie streaming platform is believed to add competitive pressure to entertainment majors Netflix and Amazon, who have been providing great series and content to expand their potential audience in Europe and other countries.
In comparison to Netflix, meanwhile, Rakuten TV aims to give its audience new movie launches, which is projected to place it as one of the biggest names on a pan-European scale. Officially, in about 12 countries, Rakuten TV has about 7 million pay-per-view clients. Fortunately, growth is projected to meet more than 30 million European customers this summer.
Jacinto Roca talked about Rakuten’s projections that are summarized precisely below;
- He entered a partnership with FC Barcelona that can offer his video streaming global approach. As FC Barcelona empowers the local production and its customers, Rakuten decided to receive global thanks.
- Rebranding Rakuten from Wuaki can influence the European ecosystem on a global scale.
- Evaluation of various ideas including developing separate communication mediums for its different services will expand the Rakuten umbrella worldwide.
- Rakuten has services that are different from any competitor, even if it is Amazon Prime on board. For example, the financial services of Rakuten are different from Amazon.
- Uniquely propositioned Rakuten on two pillars i.e. your cinema at home and ecosystem of Rakuten. “Your cinema at home” features the major Hollywood seasons and much more. “Ecosystem of Rakuten” is not only based on TV streaming but also other services that create a different umbrella of “all at one place”.
- Netflix and Amazon Prime are doing a great job in launching regional TV shows but now it is time for Movies to get this type of streaming on board.
- Customers will own their library by subscribing but there will be no subscription required for movies.
- Spain, France, and Germany are growing fast for our product. Now, they look forward to expanding it over 42 European countries and for now, it has only touchpoints in 12 countries.
However, these 8 points prove to be a shred of great evidence for “RAKUTEN TAKING OVER NETFLIX AND HURTING ITS LIKES”.
Video-on-demand network distribution of Rakuten is estimated to get dual moves even in the Latin American regions.
Three points that make Rakuten stand alone and take the video streaming world by storm are;
- It doesn’t follow the subscription track to test the frustration level of viewers.
- Rakuten only has original content as a smaller player.
- Wider selection offers of content on Rakuten is the third and effective point.
Differing from largest rivals is not an easy task but Rakuten offerings are self-explanatory in this area.