3 Major Reasons You Should Learn Self Defense Online


Self defense does classes are a dime a dozen today. You can find them in person all over the city that you live in. However, what if you’re busy? What if you cannot get to a class on a regular basis? Those two questions are something that stops many people from going forward with learning martial arts, and how to defend against predators. It’s for that reason why many people are looking at alternative paths, including learning how to fight online. Could you learn how to defend yourself without stepping foot into a brick and mortar training facility? The short answer is simple, yes. The longer reason can actually help you realize that there are several reasons why you can learn fighting methods online.

Experts Are Moving Their Teaching Online

There was a time when martial arts teachers would open up dojos in strip malls, and random locations. However, as rents started to rise, and they couldn’t afford to keep their doors open, they ended up moving to the internet. The rise of the internet has allowed many experts in self defense to move their lessons online, behind membership walls, and through selling eBooks. These are easy to work with, and are 100% the same materials that were once taught in brick and mortar stores. This is not uncommon now, and some of the best teachers in martial arts, and self defense training are online, and can help you learn in real time, through videos, and much more.

Learn How To Defend Yourself In Your Own Time

Perhaps the best thing that you will find to be true about learning self defense online is that you pick the time frame. You select when you want to take lessons, when you practice, and when you’re working on specific things. Learning martial arts in any arena is difficult, and it’s made more difficult if you have to take a class with limited time frames. Imagine going into a dojo and having a 1 hour class every few days. If you aren’t solid on “one” thing, you cannot stop the class and get additional help, you’ll need to pay more money to take the class again or practice with the teacher. But here’s the thing, if you are going to work with an online resource, you can pause, rewind, fast forward, and refresh whenever you need to. Learning how to defend yourself online lets you take control of how fast, or slow you want to take things, especially if you are new to the world of martial arts.

Save Money In Case You Quit

If you invest in lessons in a brick and mortar dojo, you are going to spend a great deal of money. If you decide to quit, you will end up spending a lot of money, and will not be able to get a refund. It’s for that reason why learning self defense online is so grand. Saving money can occur with online solutions because you will pay less overall. When you subscribe to a membership plan, or you buy a DVD video of sorts, you will find that you will not have to pay a lot of money over time. Whether you get a streaming option, or something that is downloadable, you will be able to pay one fee and get the information that you need, instead of paying a dojo a fee for lessons, then pay again and again. Either way, if you quit, you save money by not having to be stuck in the fee structure that many clubs, dojos, and more have. Not only that, the cost of online solutions are far lower than even the most conservative of martial arts dojos.

These of course are only a few reasons why it is advantageous to work with an online source for learning how to defend yourself. Obviously, there are multiple ways that you can experience the learning process, but test the waters here. If your goal is to learn martial arts in any capacity, the online world certainly opens up to you in a grand variety of ways.

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